I've never been a fan of bucket lists.  Instead, I just keep track of a list of goals and do my best to complete them.  More of an on-going to-do list than anything else.

Today, I'm proud to announce that I've mostly finished my current list.  Considering today is also my birthday, this is a pretty snazzy announcement.  The only things really remaining on my list were:

  • Acquire a concealed carry license - something I still plan to do, sooner rather than later
  • Go hunting and actually catch something - making plans for 2014 right now

My question to you, dear readers, is what should I put on my list next?  To give you an idea of the scope I plan for, here are some of my accomplishments from my previous lists:

  • Buy a house - check
  • Get married - check
  • Speak at 5 conferences in 1 year - check
  • Run a marathon - check times 3
  • Speak internationally - check

My latest list was pretty aggressive, but as a "all the things I want to accomplish before I turn 30" I think that was a good idea.  What next?